
Governance Rules

Elm believes that effective governance requires a responsible board of directors and an executive management that seeks to enhance and improve the company's performance, and is aware of the importance of applying governance principles to ensure the rights of shareholders and stakeholders, through the presence of an effective organizational structure in terms of roles, competencies and responsibilities, and the presence of a sound control system through external and internal audit work, and ensuring that dealing with stakeholders is taken into account and avoiding conflicts of interest, in addition to working on planning and strategy and developing systems and plans to manage risks, and accurate disclosure, all in addition to providing a culture and work environment that supports and responds to this trend, and works to enhance professional behavior, ethical values ​​and social responsibility. The Board of Directors adopts effective governance rules to ensure the application of best practices and standards. These rules include the following:​

Shareholders' Rights
Board of Directors and Sub-committees
Related Parties Transactions
Social Responsibility
Disclosure and Transparency
Internal Control
Professional and Ethical Standards
Stakeholders Management
General Assemblies
Execu​t​ive Management
Board of Directors and Committees
Elm Articles of Association

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