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Innovation Units: The Power of Renewable Ideas


​​​​​​ The ability of innovation and producing creative ideas became essential for every organization, essential and difficult to obtain. Hence the need was born from to have and aiding arm to support the establishment in reaching its goals. And all the world’s largest organizations became aware of the importance of Innovation Units or what's called: creative centers in some companies.

In the beginning, you can define "innovation unit" as a specialized team that produce and create new ideas for the institution, or a geographic location occupied by this team. Whether is intended to mean the place or the group of people, it would be of substantial benefit in any business organization. Innovation Units launches ideas and experiment it with their work in a realistic environment to accelerate product and services industry, and then made it available to those in need.

Endless ideas and team collaboration

Institutions need that support in its activity on providing products and services, and form a library of a variety of renewable and scalable ideas. This need is found by the weight of routine work and the difficulty to maintain the creative flow desired. But innovation units do not provide institutions with the outcome of the ideas, but also extends its impact on all sectors to promote the culture of entrepreneurship and the search for solutions to fit and ambitious employees. The employee participation in the industry, an idea or a product innovation encouraged him to be adventurous and imagine the future. Also, this will form a bond of trust between him and his company which he can’t find during routine work tasks.

Innovation Units to fit each organization

The idea to build an innovation Unit seems encouraging at first glance, but it is certainly not without difficulty. Therefore, each organization needs to choose the style that suits the nature of its work and cover the needs of all of its goals. In general, the types can be summarized in the following:

  • Units created within the institution with its dedicated specialized teams
  • Unit linked to academic institutions such as universities and institutes, each institution linked to the appropriate academic competence of its work
  • Units within the institutions, but provides support to the community and small businesses through consulting and infrastructure
  • Units outside joined with local innovation centers and communicate remotely with the organization

How can you build a superior innovation unit?

The establishment of innovation units without creating a clear central goal for it, is a waste of time and energy. So each organization needs to outline its needs behind the innovation unit and benefit from the following tips:

  • Choose the appropriate name and identity of the unit to reflect its objectives and its relationship with the organization
  • Identify the functions of each member of the team and choose the leader or the Operation Manager
  • Build a diversified work consisting of members from all sectors of the organization to familiarize themselves with the most important needs and difficulties
  • allocate a clear budget for the unit and monitor it and isolate it from any expenses of the organization
  • Set clear and measurable targets for the projects, with no more than three per year, according to the size of the team
  • Prioritise the unit tasks. Does the organization want to launch products in record time? Or a superior product with a reasonable timeframe?
  • Encourage employees to try, experiment and accept errors