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Humanizing Technology


The past years have witnessed staggering breakthroughs in technology innovation sector. Every year millions of people avail of new technology products and services. Yet the foreseeable future for technology is already suggesting a shift towards "humanizing technology".

Technology has already made unprecedented leaps forward. Yet such breakthroughs have somehow compromised the human element in it. We could trace such effects on health and psychological problems that users undergo constantly. Be it stress, injuries related to the use of electronic devices, addiction, or excessive irresponsible use of technology.

On the other hand, technology has uncovered unbound horizons of success by reaching and touching the lives of millions of people. But it yet to fine-tune its services and products to effectuate the aspirations, purposes, and objectives of each user individually. Here arise the demand for a new passageway for technology innovation. One that pivots on human potentials and abilities to take the lead in this industry. 

When we bring up humanizing technology, we target the concept of revamping technology to address users' daily lives needs. Such an approach is attainable by:
o Developing agile technologies that can function in multiple scenarios each user experiences.
o Connecting technologies developed to real-time and relevant to life situations.
o Offering easy-to-access technological innovations
o Providing uncomplicated and effective innovations
o Promoting technologies that do not substitute reality or distract users from it
o Ensuring fair and non-discriminatory technological applications
o Focusing on user experience
o Simplifying apps and services’ user-experiences, by taking into account the diversity and differences between users (such as knowledge differences and facilitating the use of technology for people with special needs)

Technology innovations success remains bound by investing in developing products that focus on humans and their interaction with the surrounding environments and societies. When we turn such an idea into reality, we will unlock unrealized human capabilities and improve our communication through technology. This doesn't mean that efforts towards humanizing technology should go unnoticed. We could touch on many forms of enhancing human potentials in 3D printing, Augmented and Virtual reality, smart home technologies and robots, health and security sectors development, and others.